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Copely Developments Ltd
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Flow Rate Calculator

With this tool, it is possible to easily calculate the average volumetric flow rate of fluids by changing each of the three variables: length, pressure and bore diameter. The effects on the predicted flow rate are then given in three graphs, where in turn two of the variables are kept constant and the flow rate is plotted against a range of values of the third.

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How to Use:

To begin calculating, enter your figures in the boxes below. If a value is not available for any one of the variables, then please leave the field blank and the program will select its own value.

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Quantity Fluid Flow vs Hose Length Quantity Fluid Flow vs Pressure Quantity Fluid Flow vs Bore Diameter
Quantity Fluid Flow vs Hose Length Data
Length 20.000 40.000 60.000 80.000 100.000 120.000 140.000 160.000 180.000 200.000
Quantity Fluid Flow (litres per minute) 95.273 68.458 56.202 48.807 43.727 39.961 37.026 34.656 32.689 31.023
Bore Diameter (mm) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Pressure (bar) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Bore Diameter (ins) 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984
Pressure (psi) 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900
Length (feet) 65.667 131.333 197.000 262.667 328.333 394.000 459.667 525.333 591.000 656.667
Quantity Fluid Flow (gallons per minute) 20.960 15.061 12.364 10.738 9.620 8.791 8.146 7.624 7.192 6.825
Coefficient C 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105
Velocity V( ft/sec) 10.602 7.618 6.254 5.431 4.866 4.447 4.120 3.856 3.638 3.452
Bore Diameter (ft) D 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021
EquivTtl head fluid h (ft) 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644
Quantity Fluid Flow vs Pressure Data
Pressure 1.400 2.800 4.200 5.600 7.000 8.400 9.800 11.200 12.600 14.000
Qty fluid flow (ltrs/min) 19.555 27.655 33.871 39.110 43.727 47.900 51.738 55.310 58.666 61.839
Bore dia (mm) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25
Length 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Bore dia (ins) 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984 0.984
Pressure (psi) 20.580 41.160 61.740 82.320 102.900 123.480 144.060 164.640 185.220 205.800
Length (ft) 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333
Qty fluid flow (gals/min) 4.302 6.084 7.452 8.604 9.620 10.538 11.382 12.168 12.906 13.605
Coefficient C 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105 20.105
Velocity V( ft/sec) 2.176 3.077 3.769 4.352 4.866 5.330 5.757 6.155 6.528 6.881
Bore dia (ft) D 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021 0.082021
EquivTtl head fluid h (ft) 47.529 95.058 142.587 190.115 237.644 285.173 332.702 380.231 427.760 475.289
Quantity Fluid Flow vs Bore Diameter Data
Bore Diameter 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 40.000 45.000 50.000
Qty fluid flow (ltrs/min) 0.091 2.204 8.792 21.989 43.727 75.790 119.849 177.478 250.177 339.374
Pressure (bar) 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Length 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Bore dia (ins) 0.197 0.394 0.591 0.787 0.984 1.181 1.378 1.575 1.772 1.969
Pressure (psi) 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900 102.900
Length (ft) 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333 328.333
Qty fluid flow (gals/min) 0.020 0.485 1.934 4.838 9.620 16.674 26.367 39.045 55.039 74.662
Coefficient C 2.314 9.976 14.458 17.638 20.105 22.120 23.824 25.300 26.602 27.767
Velocity V( ft/sec) 0.252 1.533 2.718 3.823 4.866 5.857 6.804 7.715 8.592 9.441
Bore dia (ft) D 0.016 0.033 0.049 0.066 0.082 0.098 0.115 0.131 0.148 0.164
EquivTtl head fluid h (ft) 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644 237.644

These charts are intended for guidance purposes only. Kindly refrain from reaching out to us with any inquiries related to the utilization of these charts.

Flow Rate of Fluids in Pipes

The quantity of fluid that will be discharged through a hose depends on the pressure applied at the feed end, the hose length and bore diameter. The surface character of the bore, the number, and shape of bends incorporated in the run of the hose also influence the flow rate.

The pressure is sometimes stated as ‘head of water’. If the head is given in metres of water, each 1-metre head (3.28 ft) induces 0.1 bar (1.47 psi.) pressure.

All formulae for finding the amount of fluid that will flow through a hose at a given time, are approximate. The graphs above are generated from calculations assuming the hose to be in good condition and laid in a straight line. With this being the case, they will be accurate to within 10% of the actual results obtained.

If the set of conditions entered in the model generate negative answers, then clearly it is necessary to adjust the variables as appropriate until a realistic result is obtained.

Need to work out the Pressure Drop of fluids moving through a tube or pipe? Use our Pressure Drop Calculator.

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